Everyday Information Architecture
foreword by Karen McGrane
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The design of information on the web changes the way people find, understand, and use that information—for better or for worse. Lisa Maria Marquis shows you how to leverage the principles and practices of information architecture in order to craft more thoughtful and effective digital spaces. Learn how to analyze your site’s content and structure, build clear and consistent taxonomies, and develop more strategic sitemaps. Because when we’re intentional about how we organize web content, we create better experiences for everyone.
Topics Covered
- Systems of Organization
- Content Analysis
- Categories and Labels
- Site Structure
- Navigation and Wayfinding
- Tags and Taxonomies
Previous NextIf you want to make your website more usable and your content easier to find, then this book is for you. Lisa Maria Marquis shows you how to structure and organize information with simplicity, clarity, and warmth—so you’ll feel prepared, not perplexed. Loaded with helpful frameworks, practical tips, and plenty of humor, this is a book you’ll reach for again and again.
Sara Wachter-BoettcherFounder of Active Voice and author of Design for Real Life
Previous NextI am in awe. This book breaks down thorny, technical issues masterfully and makes them accessible to anyone. Even the most experienced practitioners will find something they hadn't considered. Plus, it’s a laugh riot. 14/10.
Erika HallAuthor of Just Enough Research and Conversational Design
Previous NextAt last, a book that doesn’t dwell in defining the damn thing for the sake of conceptual purity, and in doing so, elevates information architecture practice. Lisa Maria Marquis shows us that even the most minute decisions can have consequences; only by owning them can we build a better web.
LĂvia LabatePrincipal product manager at Vox Media
Previous NextEveryday Information Architecture brings together the latest thinking on the practice in a compact volume. More importantly, Lisa Maria puts IA in a modern context, demonstrating not just how to make good decisions about structure, but why they matter.
Dan BrownAuthor of Practical Design Discovery
Product Details
- ISBN: 978-1-952616-20-4
- Paperback: 126 pages
- Published: Apr 16, 2019