JavaScript for Web Designers
foreword by Lara Hogan
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If staring down JavaScript leaves you unsteady, take heart. Mat Marquis is at your side, offering a detailed yet approachable tour around this essential language. Make your way through plenty of practical examples, as you pick up syntax rules, the fundamentals of scripting, and how to handle data types and loops. You’ll emerge clear-eyed and confident—and ready to get to work.
Topics Covered
- Getting Set Up
- Understanding Data Types
- Conditional Statements
- Loops
- DOM Scripting
Previous NextMat consistently demonstrates empathy for you (his reader), your users, and the future maintainers of your code, making this book a great companion for any web designer looking to take on more programming responsibilities.
Mike PennisiFront-end developer at Bocoup
Previous NextJavaScript is here, in full force. You hold in your hands a book that clearly explains the essentials you really need to know. Mat will teach you how to write running code for real websites and give you a firm grasp on JavaScript’s building blocks.
Jen SimmonsExecutive producer and host of The Web Ahead
Previous NextWhen I first tried learning JavaScript, I gave up, deciding it was impossible. It was only a year later that I went back, gave it another go, and started to get it. This book would have saved me that year. It covers not only understanding JavaScript, but also how to use it responsibly within the browser. You won't find that in many other books, which is why there are so many bad experiences on the web.
Jake ArchibaldDeveloper advocate for Google Chrome
Product Details
- ISBN: 978-1-952616-35-8
- Paperback: 135 pages
- Published: Sep 28, 2016