A Book Apart

Resources for Authoring

So you’re thinking about writing a book! Excellent. No matter where you are in your project—just getting started, developing drafts, looking for editors, or promoting your work—we’ve got resources to add to your perspective.

Learn about the publishing process:

Write and edit with care:

Tap into community:

  • The Editors of Color Database: From the Conscious Style Guide, this searchable database is the ultimate resource for finding a freelance editor.
  • The SLAPcollective: Writing, photography, and other art-inspired workshops for creatives of all skills and backgrounds.
  • “Designer to Writer” workshop from Kat Vellos: The perfect workshop for making your nonfiction book dreams a reality.
  • The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron: a guided twelve-week course for discovering and recovering creativity.
  • The #Amwriting community: A hashtag used on Twitter and most other social platforms to connect to and learn from other writers, “discussing research, conferences, word counts, submissions, and publishing options…Lurking is not only allowed, but encouraged”.
  • Newsletters on authoring:
    • I Have Notes by Nicole Chung: A newsletter discussing the craft of writing and advice on creative work (subscription required).
    • Behind the Book by Ijeoma Oluo: A newsletter shedding light on the trials and tribulations of writing a book.
    • One More Question by Britany Robinson: A newsletter for freelance writers where she answers emails and offers pitch reviews to subscribers.

Understand marketing:

  • The A Book Apart Marketing 30-Day Launch Countdown: Developed by marketing consultant Leslie Zaikis, this checklist of marketing tasks will keep you on track in the lead-up to your launch day
  • “How to Get Your Book into Public Libraries and Why it Matters,” from the Author Learning Center: A brief guide for ensuring your book is available through public libraries—especially handy for self-publishers.
  • Sidebar Saturday: A blog “where the practice of law meets the profession of writing,” to help you better understand publishing law.