A Book Apart

👀 A brief look at our recent releases

Jan 11, 2023

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The Business of UX Writing, Design Is a Job, Inclusive Design Communities, Leading Content Design, and You Should Write a Book paperback books spread out on a dark wood table.

A Look at Our Latest

As we ease into the new year, we thought we’d share a quick recap of our latest book releases in case ya missed any of them:

Make the most of the pivotal intersection between business goals and user needs. The Business of UX Writing, by Yael Ben-David, offers savvy and practical guidance to ensure your digital products support the user and the business—plus writers and designers!—all at once.

Take care of yourself as a working designer and use design as a tool for good. Design Is a Job, Second Edition, by Mike Monteiro, teaches you how to use design as a tool for good, build a more sustainable and equitable society, and create workplaces where everyone is treated with respect.

Build the design industry you want to see—the one we all deserve. Inclusive Design Communities, by Sameera Kapila, will help you learn to notice subconscious bias, interrogate your values, and actively create welcoming spaces for all.

Enhance your content practice and lead with impact. Leading Content Design, by Rachel McConnell, explains how to create common standards, improve collaboration, iron out wrinkles in the design process, and build advocacy—so you can lead your team with impact.

Add your voice to the conversation. You Should Write a Book, by Katel LeDû and Lisa Maria Marquis, supports you to share your professional expertise in a book—because adding your voice to the conversation leads to a stronger, more inclusive tech industry.


🥰 And don’t forget about our Briefs Anthologies! Bringing our twelve Brief titles together in three special-edition printed hardcover anthologies: Brief Anthology 1: Development, Brief Anthology 2: Design and Content, and Brief Anthology 3: Interface Design.

Three glossy hardcover black books standing on a light wood desk, between a green plant on the left and multicolored notebooks and a white pen on the right.