Making Sense of Color Management
foreword by John Gruber
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Get clarity in the tricky endeavor of managing colors from initial design to final product. Learn why colors shift, the science behind the human eye and color profiles, and how to set up your image editor and development environment for consistent color. Craig Hockenberry takes you through every step of color management, with indispensable advice on readying your work and workflows for new technologies.
Topics Covered
- Coping with Colors
- Photoshop
- Web Browsers
- Mobile Apps
- Desktop Apps
Previous NextFor years, engineers and designers have mostly stumbled through color management, understanding it ‘just enough’ to ship an asset to the web or an app. As devices move to wide color, a deeper and more practical understanding is vital, and Craig’s book provides exactly that. In fact, I’ve put his advice to use for Instagram.
Mike KriegerCofounder and CTO at Instagram
Previous NextMaking Sense of Color Management demystifies a confusing topic, often assumed to be only a print designer’s concern. Hockenberry has wrangled this science-heavy topic into an enjoyable, easy-to-understand guide that will change the way you think about color. Essential for designers with any background.
Geri CoadyIllustrator, designer, and author of Colour Accessibility
Previous NextWorking with digital color has always been equal parts arcane knowledge, luck, and confusion. This book removes the mystery and makes managing color manageable.
Jason Santa MariaDesign director, and author of On Web Typography
Product Details
- ISBN: 978-1-937557-51-5
- Paperback: 91 pages
- Published: Dec 8, 2016