You’re My Favorite Client
foreword by Austin Kleon
Get crystal clear insight into the process and business of design, and prepare to lead successful projects every time.
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Whether you’re a designer or not, you make design decisions every day.
Successful design projects require equal participation from both the client and the design team. Yet, for most people who buy design, the process remains a mystery.
In his follow-up to Design Is a Job, Mike Monteiro demystifies the design process and helps you prepare for your role. Ensure you’re asking the right questions, giving effective feedback, and hiring designers who will challenge you to make your product the best it can be.
Topics Covered
- Why You Need Design
- Hiring a Designer
- Working Together
- Evaluating Work and Giving Feedback
- When Things Go Well
- When Things Go Wrong
Previous NextThe client-designer relationship is so poorly documented and so fraught that it’s a miracle anything good comes from it. It doesn’t have to be that way. If you want to change the game, Mike Monteiro has written the game changer.
Khoi VinhDesigner and writer at Subtraction.com
Previous NextProven once again, Mike Monteiro’s profound wit and wisdom about the business of design is beyond compare.
Kristina HalvorsonAuthor of Content Strategy for the Web
Previous NextBusinesses finally understand the value of investing in design. Mike has created the guide to making sure every dollar spent on design produces real results.
Anil DashCEO of Glitch and cofounder of ThinkUp and Activate
Product Details
- ISBN: 978-1-952616-43-3
- Paperback: 127 pages
- Published: Sep 29, 2014
- Also available in: French