A Book Apart

Ethan Marcotte Responsive Design: Patterns & Principles

Learn how to develop and use design patterns to help your responsive layout reach more devices (and people) than ever before.

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As responsive design evolves, we have a critical need to think about design challenges beyond mobile, tablet, and desktop. When properly designed and planned, design patterns—small, reusable modules—help your responsive layout reach more devices (and people) than ever before. Ethan Marcotte shows you just how that’s done, focusing on responsive navigation systems, resizing and adapting images, managing advertising in a responsive context, and broader principles for designing more flexible, device-independent layouts.

Topics Covered

  • Starting Small
  • Navigation
  • Images and Videos
  • Responsive Advertising
  • Designing the Infinite Grid

At its best, responsive design is both a set of techniques and a set of tenets. As practitioners, we have the opportunity to improve how we build for the web as well as how we perceive it. Thanks to equal amounts of eloquence and thoroughness, Ethan’s latest book encourages us to do both.

Trent Walton
Founder and designer at Paravel
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No one knows how the web sways better than Ethan Marcotte. If your websites seem unsteady across the oceans of devices, reading Marcotte’s practical handbook of responsive design patterns is how you’ll find your sea legs. Absolutely indispensable.

Frank Chimero
Designer and author of The Shape of Design
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Leave it to Ethan to write the book on how responsive is responding to its age and maturity. Whether you’re just becoming familiar or you already have responsive sites behind you, this responsive design text is critical.

Liz Danzico
Chair and cofounder, MFA Interaction Design at SVA and VP of design at NPR
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Ethan Marcotte

About the Author

Ethan Marcotte is a web designer, speaker, and author. He’s perhaps best known for creating responsive web design, which helped the industry discover a new way of designing for the ever-changing web.

Over his career, Ethan’s clientele has included New York Magazine, the Sundance Film Festival, The Boston Globe, and People Magazine. Additionally, Ethan is a featured speaker at conferences across the globe, including Adobe MAX, SXSW Interactive, and Webstock.

Product Details

  • ISBN: 978-1-952616-40-2
  • Paperback: 160 pages
  • Published: Nov 17, 2015

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