A Few of Our Faves: November 24
Nov 24, 2015

Don’t be shy, get yourself a heaping helping of our latest favorites:
- We’ve launched THREE(!) new books in the last month: Going Responsive by Karen McGrane, Responsive Design: Patterns & Principles by Ethan Marcotte, and Designing for Touch by Josh Clark. Check them all out!
- The ninth annual Blue Beanie Day in support of web standards will be celebrated around the world on November 30, 2015. Learn how to join in!
- The Responsive Web Design podcast brings you stellar interviews with Chris Coyier and Katie Kovalcin as they talk about the CodePen redesign, and Christian Skotte and Mark Llobrera as they talk about Science Friday’s content-first process.
- Learn how Jeremy Keith and Clearleft are changing the way they hire and work with interns.
- Catch the latest Spec.fm podcast episode, Helvetica, Helvetica, Helvetica (feat. Jason Santa Maria).
- Don’t miss Scott Jehl’s talk, “Delivering Responsibly,” from this year’s Fronteers Conf—now on Vimeo!
- Last week on The Big Web Show, Josh Clark talks with Jeffrey Zeldman about his new book (hint: we know where you can get a copy).
Check out the previous roundup and stay tuned here for more, or find us on Twitter and Facebook.