Going Responsive
foreword by Frank Chimero
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Responsive design is more than the technical; it’s a new way of communicating and working that affects every person on your team. Karen McGrane draws on data and stories from real-world teams to show you why going responsive is just good business sense—and how to set up your project (from concept to launch) for total success. Learn how to plan and scope work, collaborate in a responsive context, evaluate content, handle browser support and testing, and measure performance outcomes. No matter your role or project, go responsive with confidence.
Topics Covered
- Make the Case
- Plan Your Approach
- Speed Up Your Site
- Clean Up Your Content
- Cullaborate
- Test and Measure
Previous NextThere is absolutely no better person than Karen McGrane to guide you through the process of launching a responsive site. She says, ‘The design is often the easy part.’ What’s harder is navigating the process, making decisions, and wrangling organizational change. Through lots of data, and even more personal experience, Karen will get you there.
Chris CoyierCreator of CSS-Tricks and cofounder of CodePen
Previous NextFinally, a book that puts together the business argument for doing the right thing for users and customers. Karen McGrane’s Going Responsive will go a long way in helping hands-on practitioners make the case for funding and supporting the drive toward responsive design.
Lisa WelchmanAuthor of Managing Chaos: Digital Governance by Design
Previous NextCoordinating people is the hardest part of any project. Packed with wisdom accumulated from years of experience, Going Responsive will give your team a shared understanding of the decisions that will need to be made. Hand one to everyone on your project, and prevent time-wasting, budget-burning failures.
Jen SimmonsExecutive producer and host of The Web Ahead
Previous NextThis is the book our industry has needed since 2010. It addresses the real challenges in building responsively. Buy it, read it, and never look back.
Ben CallahanPresident at Sparkbox
Product Details
- ISBN: 978-1-952616-39-6
- Paperback: 149 pages
- Published: Nov 17, 2015