Responsible Responsive Design
foreword by Ethan Marcotte
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Responsive design has immeasurably improved multi-device, multi-browser visual layout—but it’s only the first step in building responsively. Learn how to turn a critical eye on your designs as you develop for new contexts (what does mobile really mean?) and screen features, speedy and lagging networks, and truly global audiences. Serve the right content across platforms, and tune for performance. Scott Jehl tackles those topics and more, ensuring that the sites and apps you build today last far into the future.
Topics Covered
- Responsible Design
- Sustainable Detection
- Planning for Performance
- Delivering Responsibly
Previous NextBuilding for the responsive web isn’t easy. Luckily, Scott has done the hard work for us, leading research and developing much of the foundation we use to make responsive sites. Scott has laid out his expertise amongst these pages; slurp it up.
Paul IrishFront-end developer with Google Chrome
Previous NextResponsible Responsive Design introduces a holistic approach to today’s design challenges. Scott gracefully navigates us through these complexities with a constant focus on, and empathy for, our end user. This should be required reading for anyone building on the web.
Lara HoganFounder of Wherewithall and author of Resilient Management
Previous NextI know that websites need to look good everywhere. I know that they need to work under any circumstances. I know that they need to be fast. It’s hard. Scott shows us what we need to think about and that hope is not lost.
Chris CoyierCreator of CSS-Tricks and cofounder of CodePen
Product Details
- ISBN: 978-1-952616-42-6
- Paperback: 188 pages
- Published: Nov 18, 2014
- Also available in: French