Progressive Web Apps
foreword by Frances Berriman and Alex Russell
Take advantage of the freedom and flexibility of progressive web apps.
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Progressive web apps represent the next big digital opportunity: they look and feel like native apps, they work offline, and they’re available to anyone—no app store required. But with that freedom and flexibility come challenging questions about how to create the most value for your users (and your bottom line). Jason Grigsby answers the what, why, and how of progressive web apps, from making the case in your organization to reaching your users in bold, new ways. Build your audience, increase revenue, and widen the web’s reach—all with the power of progressive web apps.
Topics Covered
- Defining Progressive Web Apps
- The Case for PWAs
- Making It Feel Like an App
- Installation and Discovery
- Offline
- Push Notifications
- Beyond PWAs
- Progressive Roadmap
- A Web for Everyone
Previous NextThis book answers every question you might have about progressive web apps, and then some. If you’re looking to get buy-in for building a progressive web app, Jason shares exactly what you need to make the case.
Jeremy KeithAuthor of HTML5 for Web Designers
Previous NextThis book does a wonderful job of explaining the history and evolution of progressive web apps, and why their renaissance has finally arrived. Jason Grigsby has written a practical guide to understanding progressive web apps and their considerations for businesses, marketers, and developers.
Karolyn HartFounder of InspireHUB Technologies and brand ambassador for @prowebapps
Previous NextJason Grigsby gives you a comprehensive tour of how to create a progressive web app—not just the how, but also the why. If you’d like to start building progressive web apps, this is the place to start. With clarity and cohesion, this book takes you on a tour of how to build from the ground up.
Sarah DrasnerVP of developer experience at Netlify and staff writer at CSS-Tricks
Product Details
- ISBN: 978-1-952616-21-1
- Paperback: 157 pages
- Published: Nov 12, 2018