Mobile First
foreword by Jeffrey Zeldman
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Our industry’s long wait for the complete, strategic guide to mobile web design is finally over. Former Yahoo! design architect and co-creator of Bagcheck Luke Wroblewski knows more about mobile experience than the rest of us, and packs all he knows into this entertaining, to-the-point guidebook. Its data-driven strategies and battle tested techniques will make you a master of mobile—and improve your non-mobile design, too!
Topics Covered
- Growth
- Constraints
- Capabilities
- Organization
- Actions
- Inputs
- Layout
Previous NextLuke doesn’t just rely on his wondrous wit and marvellous writing style to make an overwhelmingly convincing argument for designing the mobile experience first; he also hammers home all of his points with oodles and oodles of scrumptious data.
Jeremy KeithAuthor of HTML5 for Web Designers
Previous NextThis is the update to ‘Mobile Web Design’ I wish I’d written. It’s a concise opus filled to the brim with great examples of mobile design, supported by sound advice, research, and tips from Mr. W himself.
Cameron MollUX leader, strategist, and founder of Authentic Jobs
Previous NextBy coupling insightful design patterns to common-sense principles, Luke’s ‘Mobile First’ is the beginning of a quiet revolution, its title the rallying cry that should be on the lips of every web designer.
Ethan MarcotteAuthor of Responsive Web Design