Image Performance
foreword by Ethan Marcotte
Solve the most critical performance problems with the biggest impact: start with images. Mat Marquis helps you get up to speed—and speed up your site.
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To solve the most critical performance problems with the biggest impact, start with images. Responsive Issues Community Group (RICG) chair Mat Marquis helps us make smart decisions about images and shows us the swiftest way to improve a website’s performance: from understanding compression methods used by common image formats, to responsive image markup patterns and their usage, to handling content delivery for the best user experience. Get up to speed—and speed up your site.
Topics Covered
- Image Formats and Compression
- Responsive Images
Previous NextMat explains technical concepts in a very human-friendly way, with an emphasis on users and user experience. While this book is brief, Mat guides you through everything you need to know to feel confident working with responsive images. You’ll hone your skills and create a more inclusive, performant web.
Sara SoueidanFront-end web developer
Previous NextImage Performance is an entertaining, practical introduction to the finer details of image compression and performance online. The topic isn’t simple, but after reading this book, you could be forgiven for thinking it is—Mat’s just that good at explaining it.
Tim KadlecWeb performance consultant
Previous NextWhen working with images on a website, your job is akin to that of a sommelier’s. Crafting the final product, like pairing wine with food, requires both technical skill and artistic subjectivity. Get it right and the website looks and works great; get it wrong, and the whole experience suffers. Mat will help you get it right.
Chris CoyierCreator of CSS-Tricks and cofounder of CodePen
Product Details
- ISBN: 978-1-937557-77-5
- Paperback: 67 pages
- Published: Sep 18, 2018