Going Offline
foreword by Aaron Gustafson
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Boldly take your website where it’s never gone before: offline. Jeremy Keith introduces you to service workers (and the code behind them) to show you the latest strategies in offline pages. Learn the ins and outs of fetching and caching, enhance your website’s performance, and create an ideal offline experience for every user, no matter their connection.
Topics Covered
- Introducing Service Workers
- Preparing for Offline
- Making Fetch Happen
- Cache Me If You Can
- Service Worker Strategies
- Refining Your Service Worker
- Tidying Up
- The Offline User Experience
- Progressive Web Apps
Previous NextJeremy Keith explains service workers with kindness, clarity, and humor in his new book, a must-read for any web developer who wants to learn this exciting new API and enable offline experiences for their applications.
Sarah DrasnerVP of developer experience at Netlify and staff writer at CSS-Tricks
Previous NextWe have reached a new era in which the web’s powers are close to matching that of native applications. Being offline is no longer an obstacle. Jeremy’s enlightening book explores this new era with tips, explanations, and wonderful insights into the world of Progressive Web Apps.
Ire AderinokunCOO and VP of engineering at BuyCoins
Previous NextWith Jeremy Keith’s characteristic wit and charm, Going Offline shows designers how to create truly resilient websites. At long last, we can make our work accessible on even the spottiest, most unreliable networks—which means, in turn, our sites can be visited by as many people as possible.
Ethan MarcotteAuthor of Responsive Web Design
Product Details
- ISBN: 978-1-952616-23-5
- Paperback: 142 pages
- Published: Apr 24, 2018