A Book Apart

Let’s Go! NaNoWriMo!

Nov 10, 2023

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Photo of a Black person’s hand writing in a notebook with a black pen (left) and book covers for You Should Write a Book, The Business of UX Writing, and Writing for Designers (right).

November is National Novel Writing Month, a.k.a. NaNoWriMo. If you’ve ever wanted to write anything—nonfiction, poetry, or fiction—join the #NaNoWriMo challenge or use it as motivation! At A Book Apart, we embrace anything that encourages creativity and helps move folks toward their goals. For a little writing support and inspiration, check out You Should Write a Book, The Business of UX Writing, and Writing for Designers.

You Should Write a Book
Writing a book is a career milestone that only the most elite professionals and thought leaders can achieve—right? Wrong! With the right combination of preparation, commitment, and ambition, anyone can (and should) share their professional expertise in a book. Adding your voice to the conversation leads to a stronger, more inclusive tech industry.

The Business of UX Writing
UX writing is good for business, while also playing a critical role in delivering a top-notch user experience. Through case studies, frameworks, and historical context, Yael Ben-David offers savvy and practical guidance to ensure our digital products support the user and the business—plus writers and designers!—all at once.

Writing for Designer
Whether you’re new to writing or looking to hone your skills, Scott Kubie’s guide will empower you to get organized and get going. Learn to scope and articulate writing assignments, build a repeatable workflow, and develop methods for productive editing, collaboration, version control, and delivery. Don't struggle with writing—get the writing done.