A Book Apart

Last Chance to Save 25%!

Dec 14, 2023

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Underexposed photo of colorful paperback books with text overlayed on top that reads Last chance to save 25% off! Our book report: Sale ends soon!

Our best holiday book sale of the year is about to end! So stock up on all your favorites or grab great gifts to share. Take advantage—and take 25% off all book orders.

(Psst: that’s 25% off single titles, and an *extra* 25% off packs and bulk book orders!)

Save 25% with code CHEER at checkout ➜

* Sale ends Friday, December 15 at 11:59pm ET



Looking for some inspiration? We’re sharing mini book reports for a few featured titles. Among these, you’ll find bestsellers, new releases, and not-so-secret gems—perfect for giving as gifts or for treating yourself.


Writing for Designers

1) Prepare
2) Compose
3) Edit
4) Finish

From product documentation to menu labels to marketing emails, writing for the web can feel challenging—even insurmountable. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Whether you’re new to writing or looking to hone your skills, Scott Kubie’s guide will empower you to get organized and get going. Learn to scope and articulate writing assignments, build a repeatable workflow, and develop methods for productive editing, collaboration, version control, and delivery. Don't struggle with writing—get the writing done.


Going Offline

1) The Thirty-Thousand-Foot View
2) Take Back the Power
3) Selling Your Ideas
4) Coping with Leadership Changes
5) Culture Shock
6) Structures and Systems
7) Rolling Out Change
8) Moving On

Boldly take your website where it’s never gone before: offline. Jeremy Keith introduces you to service workers (and the code behind them) to show you the latest strategies in offline pages. Learn the ins and outs of fetching and caching, enhance your website’s performance, and create an ideal offline experience for every user, no matter their connection.


Surviving Change at Work

1) Introducing Service Workers
2) Preparing for Offline
3) Making Fetch Happen
4) Cache Me If You Can
5) Service Worker Strategies
6) Refining Your Service Worker
7) Tidying Up
8) The Offline User Experience
9) Progressive Web Apps

The reality of working at a high-growth organization can be tough to endure. From product pivots to constantly shifting expectations to personnel turnover, it’s enough to cause whiplash. If this is your first (or second, or even third!) rodeo in a tech job, and you’re wondering how to stay upright amid the tumult, Surviving Change at Work will keep you grounded.

Vanessa Gennarelli brings to bear years of hard-earned expertise in this essential handbook, sharing extensive research, case studies, and practical exercises to help you find clarity as you drive toward the next step in your tech career. Along the path, learn how to apply the art of persuasion and influence, and assess organizational lifecycles for better decision-making. You’ll gain strategies for navigating shifts in culture with resilience, and frameworks for planning—and sustainably growing—your career.


Cultivating Content Design

1) Full-Stack Content Design
2) Sing Out Loud
3) Workshops That Work
4) Content at Scale

Great content doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It gets bogged down in teams, organizations, silos, and process. Beth Dunn helps you break the vacuum seal and bring unity and joy back to content. Cultivating Content Design gives you the power to fundamentally change your organization’s approach to great content—with the tools and team you already have. With time and a little gumption, you’ll be able to cement your position as a strategic content leader, and create a strong and respected content design practice.


SEO for Everyone

1) Modern Search
2) Understanding Search Intent
3) SEO and the Research You Already Do
4) SEO in Design and Content
5) SEO in Development
6) SEO in Your Organization

As the web has matured, so have search engines, algorithms, and marketing practices meant to attract pageviews. Modern SEO isn’t about delivering traffic for traffic’s sake—it’s about helping real people find the right information, at the right time, and in the right place.

In this practical, illuminating book, Rebekah Baggs and Chris Corak make the case that SEO plays a central role not just in search rankings, but in delivering an excellent user experience. After all, most interactions don’t begin on our carefully crafted homepages, but on a list of search results—and only by connecting our efforts in content, design, development, and search optimization can we create a truly human-centered web that supports users throughout their entire journey.