A Book Apart

Press Room

  • Jun 01, 2020

    An Update from Our Team

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    June 1st update from our team. We stand with #BlackLivesMatter. We commit to actively fighting racism, violence, and indifference against the Black community. We’re using our privilege and platform to donate to Color of Change, Black Visions Collective, and Louisville + Brooklyn bail funds. Join us and we’ll match donations up to $3k. Read on for more.

  • May 28, 2020

    Real humans making really good books

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    It’s been so much fun putting together this mini series of posts to celebrate our tenth birthday. When we asked our team and authors to share words of advice and insights on publishing a book, they also shared some of the sweetest stories—stories that remind us why we love what we do. Because of who we get to do it with—and for. Read on for more.

  • May 20, 2020

    A little love letter to editors

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    It might seem counterintuitive, but it’s much easier to write lots of words that don’t really say much, than it is to get to the point clearly and succinctly. That’s why we love our editors SO MUCH. They offer critique and guidance with grace and tenderness. They work with authors to craft and care for their words, and, yes, kill their darlings, so that only the most essential words remain. In short, they help make our authors’ writing sing—and we thought it was time to write a little love letter to our editors. Read on for more.

  • May 11, 2020

    Why you should write a book (yes, you)

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    So you’re thinking about writing a book. Heck yeah. We’ll be honest: writing a book can feel daunting and difficult. But it can also bring you joy, expand your depth of knowledge—and inspire others! If you’re excited (and a little terrified) to get started, that sounds exactly right. We’ve been there—from idea spark to launch party, and we want to share a few words of encouragement. Because we want to hear your voice. Read on for more.

  • May 10, 2020

    Writing real talk: “don’t give up!”

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    Have you ever dreamed of writing a book but weren’t sure where to start? Or tried to sort out how long it really takes? Or wondered how the heck you’ll know when you’re ready? We asked our authors and team to tell us about their experiences getting from pitch to publish—and they gave us the good, the bad, and the surprising! We’re so delighted to share their insights with you, and we hope they’ll make the writing process more visible and approachable to everyone. Read on for more.