Writing for Designers
foreword by Dan Brown
Whether you’re just starting out or looking to hone your skills, don’t struggle with writing—get the writing done.
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From product documentation to menu labels to marketing emails, writing for the web can feel challenging—even insurmountable. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Whether you’re new to writing or looking to hone your skills, Scott Kubie’s guide will empower you to get organized and get going. Learn to scope and articulate writing assignments, build a repeatable workflow, and develop methods for productive editing, collaboration, version control, and delivery. Don't struggle with writing—get the writing done.
This book explores:
- Prepare to write by articulating the assignment, collecting inputs, generating ideas, and creating structure
- Dive in and start writing—learn how to write quickly and keep writing
- Get the editing essentials down from tracking changes to getting feedback
- Discover how to get your writing approved, polish the work, and celebrate
Who should read this book?
- Folks who believe good writing is essential to design
- Web workers new to writing for digital products
- Front-end developers and UX designers looking to build a solid writing foundation
Previous NextIn Writing for Designers, Scott Kubie is part instructor, part cheerleader. His approach to planning for and writing content is both practical and accessible (and he’s damn funny to boot). Stop being hamstrung by missing content and read this book!
Kristina HalvorsonAuthor of Content Strategy for the Web
Previous NextToo often, we don’t think of text and writing as part of our design process, but this book proves that they very much are. With a design-thinking approach, Scott offers a unique perspective on how to make the most out of your written communication, and how to reach your audience in a more effective way.
Una KravetsDeveloper advocate at Google Chrome
Previous NextWe’ve all faced the challenges of content design, and this brief (but jam-packed) book provides tips and techniques that fit nicely in any designer’s tool belt. Relatable, practical, and lighthearted, Scott’s approach will help you overcome writing hurdles.
Aaron IrizarryAuthor of Discussing Design: Improving Communication and Collaboration through Critique
Product Details
- ISBN: 978-1-937557-79-9
- Paperback: 65 pages
- Published: Oct 16, 2018