Resilient Management
foreword by Camille Fournier
Bring your best self to any management role.
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Finding your bearings as a manager can feel overwhelming—but you don’t have to fake it to make it, and you don’t have to go it alone. Lara Hogan shares her recipe for supporting and leading a tech team—from developing your mentoring and coaching skills, to getting comfortable with having difficult conversations, to boosting trust among teammates—while staying grounded along the way.
Topics Covered
- Meet Your Team
- Grow Your Teammates
- Set Clear Expectations
- Communicate Effectively
- Build Resiliency
Previous NextLara’s book pushes managers to be empathetic, thoughtful, and most of all, effective—even when the news is bad or the tasks are hard. Resilient Management is filled with frameworks, checklists, tools, and, above all, optimism for building up your team—and wow is that refreshing!
Paul FordCofounder of Postlight and author of What Is Code
Previous NextMany of us jump into management roles without first taking the time to reflect on who we are as leaders. Think of Lara’s book as a self-reflection guide: it’ll help you understand and harness the power of your unique perspective to grow healthy teams. Turn to Resilient Management whenever you need to make big decisions or navigate tricky conversations.
Yesenia Perez-CruzSenior UX manager at Shopify and author of Expressive Design Systems
Previous NextLara Hogan illustrates the underlying science & psychology behind effective people management—and shares a plethora of pragmatic tools and ideas for doing it well. Resilient Management is an excellent investment whether you’re new to managing or an experienced hand. There’s something for everyone to learn.
Meri WilliamsChair of The Lead Developer conference and experienced CTO
Previous NextResilient Management will help any manager who wants to improve. Lara Hogan has taken the often complex concepts about people leadership, and made them digestible and actionable—a roadmap for inclusive management.
Nicole SanchezCEO and founder of Vaya Consulting
Product Details
- ISBN: 978-1-952616-14-3
- Paperback: 105 pages
- Published: Jun 11, 2019