A Few of Our Favorites: October
Oct 30, 2016

No tricks—only treats in this month’s roundup of favorites:
- An Event Apart’s stellar 2017 schedule is live!
- The Claim the Stage podcast features Lara Hogan—she talks about her new book, first-time speaking stories, and techniques for overcoming public speaking fears.
- Listen now: CBC’s Spark radio show hosts Sara Wachter-Boettcher to discuss why we should design for tech stress.
- On making assumptions about how people will access the web: thoughts from Jeremy Keith.
- Browse this list of 20 Pivotal Books for Designers, including Erika Hall’s Just Enough Research.
- Dan Mall answers design pricing questions and more on Cushion’s Ask a Freelancer podcast.
- Chris Coyier drops all sorts of knowledge in an illustrated guide to SVG `path`, guides you through working with images in CSS, and explains why carousels don’t have to be complicated.
- Rachel Andrew shares her thoughts on the amazing women of CSS.
- On A List Apart, Eric Meyer shares recent work on An Event Apart’s redesign using CSS Shapes.
- On progressively enhanced storytelling and The Verge redesign, from Mandy Brown.
- The Responsive Web Design podcasts hosts guests from Creative Review, Digital Ocean, and Habita.
- LinkedIn’s top professionals under 35 includes Lara Hogan for expanding the reach of software!
Check out the previous roundup and stay tuned here for more, or find us on Twitter and Facebook.