A Few of Our Faves: January 6
Jan 06, 2016

Happy new year, we’re so happy you’re here! And now, for our first roundup of favorite things in 2016:
- As Ethan and Karen so eloquently note: RWD EOY OMG (a podcast episode recapping the highlights of 2015).
- Equally simply put, “The Year in Design,” from Jeffrey Zeldman.
- On Dear Design Student: Dealing with an absent decision maker during times of review, and more.
- From last year, but ever-timely, “More Weight Doesn’t Mean More Wait,” from Scott Jehl.
- Aarron Walter explains the importance of research and designing with emotion, in an interview with Dorm Room Tycoon (drt.fm).
- On the MS Dev Show podcast, Karen McGrane talks about the responsive web design process.
- Jeffrey Zeldman writes, “Of Patterns and Power: Web Standards Then and Now,” asking us to think about how we deal with the increasingly slippery digital ground beneath us.
- Reader-friend Simon Pan says this is the only UX reading list you might ever need! And, yes, we’re on it (blush).
- Even though the wonderful Pastry Box Project has closed, you can still lose yourself in their lovely stream of content.
Check out the previous roundup and stay tuned here for more, or find us on Twitter and Facebook.