A Few of Our Faves: October 26
Oct 26, 2015

We’re preparing to bring you tons of good stuff this fall. But first—how about a quick roundup of some of our faves?
- Very exciting news: book no. 14, Designing for Touch, by Josh Clark, launches on October 29!
- Erika Hall gets to the point with “7 Stressful Interactions With Impersonal Online Systems.”
- Don‘t skip this read: “Web Performance Today,” from Jeffrey Zeldman.
- You know our authors are the best and brightest. See “How They Got There,” the wonderful book from Khoi Vinh—now in gorgeous hardcover! (Featuring interviews with Dan Cederholm, Erika Hall, and Karen McGrane.)
- Did you know that A List Apart open-sources the code that powers alistapart.com? Check it out.
- On the Responsive Web Design Podcast, new episodes include interviews with The Great Discontent, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, and BC Transit. Listen to them all.
Check out the previous roundup and stay tuned here for more, or find us on Twitter and Facebook.