A Bountiful Autumn
Oct 20, 2015

It’s been a busy, productive year around the ABA offices—we can’t believe fall is here and that we’re already cruising toward the holidays! We’ve spent much of 2015 refining our publishing process, expanding our network of amazing editors and authors, and producing impeccable books we can’t wait to share with you.
Even though we’ve only got a few months left in the year, we’ve been hard at work to bring you some seriously wonderful reads. To start, we’re absolutely thrilled to announce that Josh Clark’s Designing for Touch is forthcoming. We’re going to print as we speak, and we’ll be updating you with an on-sale date just as soon as we can.
The rest, well, is yet to come (very soon!). Watch this space for more exciting updates in the coming weeks, and don’t miss any of the great stuff we have on tap before the new year.