A Book Apart

Chris Coyier Practical SVG

From software basics to creating icon systems and implementing fallbacks, Chris Coyier shows you how to harness the power and possibilities of working with SVG.

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Harness the power and possibilities of crisp, performance-efficient SVG with Chris Coyier. From software basics to build tools to optimization, you’ll learn techniques for a solid workflow. Go deeper: create icon systems, explore sizing and animation, and understand when and how to implement fallbacks. Get your images up to speed and look sharp!

Topics Covered

  • The Basics of Using SVG
  • Software
  • Building an Icon System
  • Build Tools
  • Optimizing SVG
  • Sizing and Scaling SVG
  • Animating SVG
  • Some Design Features
  • Fallbacks

Chris Coyier can teach you how to use one of the most powerful technologies for images on the web: SVG. This small book covers a ton of ground—accessibility, animation, icon systems, optimization, and more—making it a vital part of any web developer’s ongoing education.

Sarah Drasner
VP of developer experience at Netlify and staff writer at CSS-Tricks
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A quick, useful, and fun read. Chris’s breezy exposition style makes this guide to using SVG in the real world, from embedding to authoring to optimizing, feel like a friendly conversation.

Tab Atkins-Bittner
Web standards hacker at Google
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This book will teach you everything you need to know about using SVG today, in real projects of all sizes. Instead of being a dry syntax reference, it teaches you the bits you actually need, which would otherwise take years of experience to discover. Even better, everything is presented in a funny, conversational tone and is concise enough to be read during a (domestic!) plane ride.

Lea Verou
Author of CSS Secrets and UX researcher at MIT
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Chris Coyier

About the Author

Chris Coyier is a web designer and developer. He writes about all things web at CSS-Tricks, talks about all things web at conferences around the world and on his podcast ShopTalk, and cofounded the web-coding playground CodePen.

Product Details

  • ISBN: 978-1-952616-36-5
  • Paperback: 154 pages
  • Published: Jul 26, 2016

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