We Want You to Write a Book
Nov 15, 2017

Writing a book is challenging—some might even say terrifying. But it’s also wonderful, exciting, and gut-wrenchingly satisfying. Like the work we do on the web every day, writing a book is a rewarding experience that takes patience, persistence, thoughtfulness, and a unique perspective.
That’s where you come in: your perspective, whether you know it or not, is unique, and can contribute to this industry. If you’ve got something to say, we want to help you say it. We believe publishing a book should be a collaborative experience—and that when you pair an expert editor and an inspired author, you get a better book.
We’re thrilled to have a pipeline consistently full with excellent forthcoming titles, and we’re always on the lookout for new and great book ideas. If you have an idea for a book and want to share it with us, we’d love to hear about it—and we want to hear from individuals from all cultures and communities.
We like to start here: we ask that you complete our book proposal form (you can find it here), so that we have as much info about you and your book idea as possible.
We’ll review your submission and if we find that there’s a potential fit for our library, we’ll be in touch with feedback and/or to follow up with additional questions (in this case, you can typically expect to hear from us within two or three weeks).
Good luck!