A Book Apart

Stand with AAPI communities

Mar 18, 2021

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We stand with the Asian-American and Pacific Islander communities. We hold these communities and those who were and continue to be targeted by white supremacist violence in our hearts. We’re using our privilege and platform to donate 10% of all profits for the rest of the month to Stop AAPI Hate, SAALT, and the Asian Mental Health Collective. Please join us.

Learn more about these orgs:

Stop AAPI Hate. Hate against Asian American Pacific Islander communities has risen during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Stop AAPI Hate center tracks and responds to incidents of hate, violence, harassment, discrimination, shunning, and child bullying against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the United States.

SAALT (South Asian Americans Leading Together) is a nation­al, non­par­ti­san, non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that fights for racial jus­tice and advo­cates for the civ­il rights of all South Asians in the Unit­ed States. Their ulti­mate vision is dig­ni­ty and full inclu­sion for all.

Asian Mental Health Collective has a mission to normalize and de-stigmatize mental health within the Asian community by making mental health easily available, approachable, and accessible to Asian communities worldwide.

➜ You can also directly help families and individuals affected by attacks against the AAPI community, ranging from vandalism and stealing to violence through these verified fundraisers : https://www.gofundme.com/c/act/justice-aapi-community
➜ And attend a virtual vigil to hold space for those who were murdered in Georgia: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMiqCmVDXBS/