A Book Apart

Happy Donut Day!

Jun 01, 2018

Paperback of Demystifying Public Speaking with donuts

It’s National Donut Day in the States—and we encourage celebrating no matter your location—so who better to check in with than author of Demystifying Public Speaking, Lara Hogan? She celebrates career milestones with donuts!

If you haven’t read Lara’s book and gotten yourself one step closer to your own celebratory donut—what are you waiting for?

Eric Meyer explains best who should read Demystifying Public Speaking:

Unless you’re planning on lifetime of hermitism—and trust me when I say I understand the appeal—you’ll probably have to speak in public. Many times, even: presenting an idea to your team at work, giving a project overview to the top management, or trying to convince a group of colleagues to choose one course of action over another.

And if you do plan to land a speaker slot at a conference, the book is definitely for you, too! From choosing a topic, to preparing yourself and delivering your talk, Lara’s got you covered! Her speaking experience and willingness to share it all with you means you’ll be able to deliver your presentation confidently on any stage (big or small).

Order Demystifying Public Speaking in paperback or ebook.

Still deciding? Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram for a few peeks inside the book throughout the week or download a sample chapter anytime!

To keep up with what Lara’s up to these days, read her blog, find out how to work with her, or follow her on Twitter.

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