A Few of Our Faves: June
Jul 01, 2016

June was in bloom with a bunch of great stuff from our authors and friends—check out the month’s roundup of faves:
- Aarron Walter talks with Psfk about why collaborative relationships are critical to building better products
- Talking about Design for Real Life on Delight, Sara Wachter-Boettcher points out that “there’s no checkbox for the human experience.”
- How to make sticky headers, the right way—from Jeremy Keith.
- Presentable podcast hosts Jason Santa Maria to discuss which typefaces the cool kids are using, licensing and subscription pricing, and geek out over web fonts and browser hacks.
- Ever wondered what goes into publishing your favorite tech/design books? Find out from Katel LeDû and Lou Rosenfeld on the Shop Talk show!
- The RWD podcast brings you fresh new interviews with Marvel App, Sonos, and WBUR.
- Scott Jehl and Filament Group introduce Snapper: a CSS Snap Points carousel. Scott also tackles enhancing optimistically.
- “Unstirring the Jam,” by Ethan Marcotte—on finding ways to make allusion to predecessors, acknowledge its influences, and learn from the past.
- A funny thing happened to them on the way to 2016: ten An Event Apart speakers talk about the last ten years.
- On Creative Bloom, Jeffrey Zeldman explores agency life, the changing web and why he had to get back to his roots.
Check out the previous roundup and stay tuned here for more, or find us on Twitter and Facebook.