A Few of Our Faves: August
Sep 01, 2016

Sharpen those pencils and fill your TrapperKeeper to the brim with this list of fine favorites from August:
- Check out this (updated) comprehensive reading list for and by designers, courtesy InVision.
- NPR shares how they use Designing for Real Life to design news products with empathy.
- Find out how and where to watch “What Comes Next Is the Future,” a story of the web–how it came to be, where it’s been, and where it’s going—as told by the people who build it.
- Learning SVG from Chris Coyier is as awesome as it sounds. Hear more about his new book Practical SVG on the Non Breaking Space Show and Shop Talk Show.
- Our friends at Shopify offer their take on 20 web designers and developers you should be following on Twitter.
- In “The way we workshop,” Jeremy Keith talks about he and the team at Clearleft collaborate on projects.
- Issue 15 of Offscreen magazine highlights the Eric Meyer’s work in laying out an approach for building a more compassionate web experience.
- Erika Hall talks with Rosenfeld Media about “The Real Point of Research.”
- Catch up on Responsive Web Design podcast’s latest interviews with University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Texas State , and Google Fonts.
- Dan Mall kicked off the biggest design system project he’s ever worked on—take a look.
Check out the previous roundup and stay tuned here for more, or find us on Twitter and Facebook.