A Book Apart

Store discounts and bundle options

Nov 05, 2013

Now you can bundle and buy any combination of book titles—and the more books you buy, the more you’ll save.

Flexible bundle options

We’re very pleased to offer these new bulk ordering options, which allow you to truly customize the way you shop our library. Bundle any combination of books, in any format (paperback or ebook), and save. And the best part? Now the entire collection is even more affordable!

New discounts

When you purchase any two or more titles, you’ll receive a discount on all books, regardless of format. Discounts are applied automatically in the online shopping cart at checkout, to the following quantities:

  • 2 or more = 10% off
  • 4 or more = 15% off
  • 10 or more = 20% off

Please note: as a result of applying quantity-based discounts across all titles and format types, the price for buying a two-title bundle (2 paperbacks + 2 ebooks, total of 4 books) increases from $38.00 to $43.00. All other prices on quantity orders are reduced, including the complete library, which now comes with a much deeper discount. As always, please let us know if you have any questions.

A friendly reminder about our new book design and format

Starting with the release of book No. 9, we’ve introduced a higher quality print stock, lay-flat binding, and a double gate cover. To best present the new format, we’ve also updated the cover design and refreshed our logo.

New books, starting with No. 9, will ship in the new format, and we’ll start to reprint most existing titles in 2014. That means the complete library, as well as some combinations, will vary in design and format for a little while.