A Few of Our Faves: July 27
Jul 27, 2015

Our friends have been spending the summer bringing you really great stuff. Check out a few of our latest faves:
- The latest An Event Apart speaker spotlight features an interview with Karen McGrane in which she talks about how “Responsive Design is Misunderstood.”
- Luke Wroblewski decided to redesign the Apple watch—why not?
- Did you miss SRCCON? Don’t worry, you can catch up on twenty-eight(!) sessions from the amazing conference, in transcriptions and archived live streams.
- New advice gems on Dear Design Student, like: “Get Paid! When Should You Ask for Money?,” “We’re All Imposters (so be a good one),” “One Weird Trick To See the Sausage Factory,” and loads more.
- On the responsive web design podcast, find out how the team behind City of Surrey changed the way city government works, and why the very talented folks at Fontsmith declared mobile access a priority in order to serve their offerings.
Check out the previous roundup and stay tuned here for more, or find us on Twitter and Facebook.