A few of our faves: July 14
Jul 14, 2014
We hope everyone’s enjoying some summer break time (y’know, with a book!) — we sure are! Here are a few of our favorite things from the last month:
- Take a “timeout” with Dan Cederholm over on the Dribbble blog.
- Scott Jehl explores how brands would benefit to prioritize a fast, accessible, user-friendly site along with all the visual details, when creating style guides, requirements, and more.
- Check out these great resources: Articles, Projects, and Polyfills From An Event Apart San Diego 2014.
- Why “consideration for communication takes effort,” from Jason Santa Maria.
- AIGA Santa Barbara wrote a really nice thing about our books. We’re just chuffed!
Check out the previous roundup and stay tuned here for more, or find us on Twitter and Facebook.