Content Strategy for Mobile
foreword by Paul Ford
Adapt your workflow to a world of emerging devices, platforms, screen sizes, and resolutions.
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You don’t get to decide which platform or device your customers use to access your content: they do.
Mobile isn’t just smartphones, and it doesn’t necessarily mean you are on the move. It’s a proliferation of devices, platforms, and screensizes — from the tiniest “dumb” phones to the desktop web. How can you be sure that your content will work everywhere, all the time?
Karen McGrane will teach you everything you need to get your content onto mobile devices (and more). You’ll first gather data to help you make the case for a mobile strategy, then learn how to publish flexibly to multiple channels. Along the way, you'll get valuable advice on adapting your workflow to a world of emerging devices, platforms, screen sizes, and resolutions. And all in less time than it takes you to fly from New York to Chicago.
Topics Covered
- Your Content, Now Mobile
- Content Before Platform
- Adaptive Content
- Strategy and Planning
- Writing and Editing
- Information Architecture
- People and Process
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